Water-Repellent Treatment
Directions For Use & Application Details
HydrophobNeo-S water repellent composition is designed to impart water repellent and frost resisting properties to building materials and protect concrete, stone, masonry surfaces from moisture penetration without altering the natural appearance of the structures. Super strong coating. Packaging 1,321 gallon (5 liters) containers.
HydrophobNeo-L water repellent agent is a water based composition specially designed to protect brick, concrete and stone surfaces from water penetration. It is suitable for use on a wide range of porous mineral substrates including concrete, limestone, brick and sandstone. Especially recommended for aerated concrete. Packaging 1,321 gallon (5 liters) containers.
HydrophobNeo-W is a unique water repellent composition used to improve water repellent properties of building constructions and articles made of wood and wood-based materials such as plywood, wood-chip boards, oriented strand boards, etc. Prevents wood deformation and cracking. Two component packaging of 1,321 Gallon (5 Liters) net volume (two containers in one packaging).
Rain repellent, easy glass protection. HydrophobNeo-G water repellent composition is designed to impart water repellent and frost resisting properties to all types of glass surfaces – automotive (windshields, side and back windows, mirrors), glass windows, etc. The composition is effective against rain, sleet and snow. Packaging: 1,691 fl. oz. (50 ml) spray bottle, 3,381 fl. oz. (100 ml) bottle.
HydrophobNeo-S-concentrate water repellent agent is supplied in concentrated form and must be mixed with isopropanol prior to application. Recommended mixing concentrations are as follows: 1 gallon of isopropanol to 0,211 gallon of concentrate (one packaging). The concentrate mixes easily with isopropanol to produce a penetrating HydrophobNeo-S composition. Recommended to professional users. Packaging 28.2 ounce (0,80 kilogram) containers.
How-To Videos
Our How-To Videos not only demonstrate how to apply HydrophobNeo products but also highlight the key benefits of HydrophobNeo and explain how they actually operate. Today, the instructional videos showing water-repellent treatment for paving stones and tiles, concrete surfaces, aerated concrete structures, wood and wood based materials, glass surfaces are available in one place. You can also visit our Neo Plus YouTube Channel .